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The Thaw and Moves Towards Détente, 1963-72 (Section 5)

What 4 actions were taken by the USA and Soviet Union to reduce the threat of Nuclear War? 1. Hotline established 2. Limited Test Ban Treaty, 1963 3. Outer Space Treaty, 1967 4. Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, 1968
When was the Limited Test Ban Treaty signed? 1963
Who initially signed the Limited Test Ban Treaty? USA, Britain and the Soviet Union
What did the Limited Test Ban Treaty agree on? No country could carry out a nuclear test explosion in the atmosphere, underwater, in outer space or any other environment that would result in radioactive debris falling outside of the country conducting the explosion
Who initially signed the Outer Space Treaty? USA, Britain and the Soviet Union
When was the Outer Space Treaty signed? 1967
What did the Outer Space Treaty agree on? States couldn't place weapons on the moon or other planets and would be responsible for any damage caused by their space objects
When was the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty signed? 1968
How many countries signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty? 62
What did the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty agree on? States with nuclear weapons couldn't help other nations develop nuclear weapons and states without nuclear weapons would not develop them
Name 3 reasons why the USA wanted Détente 1. Wanted to focus on ending Vietnam War 2. Needed to address social issues that were causing riots 3. Nixon's personal ambitions
Name 3 reasons why the Soviet Union wanted Détente 1. Wanted access to Western technology 2. Poor living standards in Soviet Union 3. Economy not developing
What had been agreed in the Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance? - The Soviet Union would provide $300 million in economic aid - Soviets would provide military assistance if China was attacked by USA or Japan
Why did relations initially begin to decline between the Soviet Union and China? Mao was offended by the treatment Chinese delegates received upon visiting Moscow
What happened between Khrushchev and Mao that caused relations to decline further? They did not get on well when Khrushchev visited China
What did Mao claim about Khrushchev? He was a coward during the Cuban Missile Crisis
What did Khrushchev say about Mao? He criticised Mao's policies in China
What did Mao decide to do as a result of poor relations between China and the Soviet Union? Took a more friendly approach towards the USA, the Soviets' rival
What event triggered the start of friendly relations between the USA and China? The US and China table tennis teams got on well at the World Championship, which lead to the USA team being invited to China
Which representatives from china and the USA met up in China following the table tennis matches? Henry Kissinger (US secretary of state) and Zhou En-lai (Chinese Prime Minister)
What were the meetings between the USA and China known as? Ping-pong diplomacy
What did Mao and Nixon sign and when? The Shanghai Communique, February 1972
What did the Shanghai Communique agree on? There should be a peaceful solution found to China's problem with Taiwan
What was the policy called that called for better relations between Eastern and Western European countries? Ostpolitik
Who called for Ostpolitik? Willy Brandt, Chancellor of West Germany
When was the SALT signed? May 1972
As part of the SALT, how many Anti-Ballistic-Missiles were each side allowed? 100
What 3 weapons were restricted in the SALT? 1. Anti-Ballistic-Missiles 2. Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles 3. Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missiles
What 2 main weaknesses did the SALT have? 1. If nuclear war ever looked likely, there was no way it would be stopped over a signed piece of paper 2. The Treaty did not cover the latest technology (MIRVs)
Why was SALT significant? The USA and Soviet Union were publicly demonstrating their improved relations
What 3 reasons did the USA and Soviet Union share for wanting Détente? 1. Could spend less on nuclear weapons 2. Could concentrate on other issues 3. Could stop worrying about China
Created by: JoeMather
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